Latest Bloggings

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year Reflections


Ah, it's 1st Jan 2008. (Mpph... must get use to typing 2008). Woke up to a beautiful sunny day this morning. Somehow, it seems like a precursor of things to come in this year.

So, "auld lang syne"?

I think not! 2007 was a good year and reflecting on all the good things that has happened for us will keep our minds positive for all the other good things that we should be looking forward to in this year too.

- Married to my wonderful wife -
- beautiful little daughter -
- good health -
- our new home -
- investment in other properties -
- great job which gets better everyday -
- wonderful colleagues -
- passion and time for my hobbies -

Those are key points to my happiness and things that should always keep me going and keep me positive through this new year too. In fact, we all should reflect on all the good things in our lives.
  • It's just like going into a battle. You don't go into a battle thinking that you will lose it.
  • Or participating in a sporting event. You always reflect back on your training and how best to approach the game.
  • Or entering a competition. You will always be hoping you will win and wishing for the best.
So, to surround myself with POSITIVITY, it's important to think about the good things that has happened in our lives.

Anyway... I'm off to have the first lunch of the year with my family.

Remember to keep it positive!

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