Latest Bloggings

Friday, January 25, 2008

I survived till Friday... but there's more!

Okay I survived till Friday… This whole week was going through a freakish roller coaster hell.  I almost didn’t know which way was up, whether it’s day or night.  Yes that’s how it was.


How do you purge your brain of useless info to keep?  At least mentally throw them into a big mega box of memory, seal it, lock it up, AIRTIGHT, to make sure none of it leaks out, and then start collecting pleasurable memories.



At least Chinese New Year is coming…


Perhaps I should just think of it like being dumped on a deserted island… suffer… suffer… suffer…  At the end of it all when you manage to get back to civilisation, everything seems like a hundred times better.


So, the CNY holidays should be extra special this year.


Well, the roller coaster hell is not over yet… another high one to go… another week.  Tomorrow, Sat and Sun need to work.  Got a presentation on Monday, proposal submission on Tuesday, and a trip to Singapore to present a proposal on Thu…


Goodness… let the fun continue!!!

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