Latest Bloggings

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

My Favourite Photo Revisited : Eastern Reflections

Eastern Reflections
Originally uploaded by Kenji Images
This is my favourite photo. If you have been to my Flickr or Photo.Net galleries, you will know I treat this photo with high regards and is extremely proud to show it off.

A short story behind this photo is that I had actually captured this photo without any prior photography planning. It was during a trip of ours to Brunei when Winnie was pregnant with Celeste, so we were sightseeing. At one point we visited this place and I took some pictures from other angles around the mosque. Then we got into the car to leave. As we turned one corner driving away, I happen to turn around and look... and I shouted "Stop the car..."

Got out to the fence across from this scene, and took the picture as the sun was setting. The best part was, I had the thought of changing my picture format from JPG to RAW (which is like a digital negative and allows you more allowance in editing the picture). SO SO glad I did this...

The sun was just setting in the horizon, some patches of clouds looming the sky. And the end, I captured magic... a perfect moment.

;-) This is what photography is all about... catching the big fish, getting a hole in one..

This photo is currently my best selling image on ShutterStock.
Honoured with the Best Architectural Photo Competition on PhotoMalaysia.
A number of mini group awards on Flickr.
Plus, Photo.Net's Top Photo Gallery (Page 1) entry.

This was taken in November 2004.

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