Latest Bloggings

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Celeste Birthday Party & Open House Celebrations!!!!

Ah... sigh... on Sunday, we'd be celebrating Celeste's 3rd Birthday party cum our open house party! Mmpph... got mixed feelings.

Though I am extremely happy we finally have the space to celebrate a birthday party in our very own home, I would have liked to have more things done for our house before the "grand" revealing... Hehehe... Anyway, perhaps I shouldn't be thinking like this. You can never be satisfied of the good things in life. Our house should be ready as it's gonna get for any occasions we celebrate in it, because it does take time to grow as a "home".

This time round, our friends may see it as it is, the next round, there will be new things to see. Now, if I can just keep thinking like that till then... hehehe...

Anyway, I'm gonna do the little, little parties at stages, first round with a couple of colleagues and Celeste's nanny and friends... next round some more friends, till we get to Chinese New Year, where we'll invite ALL to come.


I still gotta work tomorrow... the job's what's gotten us here, so really no complaints ;-)

*Hope my MD catches a glimp of this feeble attempt at showing our appreciation... oh well, I'll save it for my speech this Sun...* :-P

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