Latest Bloggings

Friday, January 4, 2008

My New Muse ... Music!

Since getting my new Ipod and working on these new "music" related project for my job... I terribly hooked to this new "interest".

Been sorting out my music collection and genre for a couple of days now.

Now I've got "cute" little playlists that goes...

Kenji Popping (that's for pop music)
Kenji Feeling Boyish (for boy band and girl band stuffs... !!!???)
Kenji Alert (when I need to stay awake at work!)
Kenji in Love (you know what that is right?...)
Kenji Latino (wow... where do I come up with those names?)
Kenji Lounging...
Kenji @ The Cafe
Kenji Dancing

err.... someone just STOP me if I start sounding a bit gay!... damn...

Okay, that music mixing thing which I have been trying out earlier to do mix up some club anthems, that's still in the works. Once I come out of my hiding with that, it's gonna be here.

(you know lah... need time to prepare myself for the snide remarks, sniggers and the embarrasing silence of no one wanting to say anything about it...)

Okay, now that I've successfully lowered your expectations on this matter, I shall feel slightly at ease in my journey to make a fool of myself here.


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