Latest Bloggings

Monday, January 14, 2008

Celeste Birthday Party & Open House : The Pics!

Ah... Celeste is 3 years old now. We organised her brithday celebration on Sunday and it was a blast. It really was a small affair with a couple of our mutual colleagues, Celeste's nanny and relatives as well as a couple of neighbours.

It was extra special this year as we celebrated the completion of our new house renovations. Nothing really big scale but I was just glad that it was all done.

Some of you may wonder... "hey, how come I did not get invited?" Well, fret not... that's due to us not wanting everyone to end up in an uncomfortable situation of cramming into small areas and having to stand throughout the evening. I guess for future parties in our house, 20 to 25 ppl max would be the best without having to get extra tables or chairs...

Well, Chinese New Year is just around the corner and yup, EVERYONE is invited to visit us... That makes you, if you are reading this.

This is gonna be a great year! :-)

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