Latest Bloggings

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Unsightly Christmas Decor at MidValley

This year for some funny reason or another, perhaps for the lack of any reason whatsoever, Mid Valley has come up with the ugliest Christmas decor. Standing in front of the horrendous display, I felt like I was standing in the midst of Sungai Penchala's unkept land surrounded by trees, weeds, dry twigs and several other different types of undescribable plants that would normally have been categorised as binable undergrowth.

Anyways, to make matters worse, there were feable attempts to add some decency in signifying the Christmas season... several "icicles" hanging from the mobile display of "butterflies" that didn't belong there in the first place!!! Oh, and the best of it all, golden poinsettas growing between weeded islands dotted the place...


Trying to create a new idea perhaps? I can understand that, but what I can't understand is how any concept of Christmas and the festive New Year was thrown out the window to be replaced by this miserable display.

Well, sorry for being overly critical. Mid Valley has done wonderful jobs for their festive decors before, but it's just unfortunate that this year, being on the hunt for all sorts of Christmas display, I had to be presented with this.

Oh well, I didn't bother to shoot Celeste's picture in front of the display.

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