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Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas Prezzies...

Oooh.... this year's Christmas celebration was quite nice really! Though it didn't not happen quite as I had been expecting it to, like a big blast of celebration. It came and went stretched across a period of 2 weeks. Yeah, it was kind of like, getting my present from Winnie early and then getting other prezzies towards Christmas and not just on Christmas day itself.

Well, the quantity or quality of presents may seem like too little or too much for some of you, but honestly, I couldn't care less cause it's always the thought that counts. So save your, "Wow-you-are-so-lucky" and "Huh?-That's-all-ah?" statements for yourselves... It's just a great cheerful Christmas for me.

Winnie bought me my first presents. Two sets of High Society compilation. One was the Shanghai Jazz compilation and the other was Shanghai Diva 2. Oh my, was I in musical heaven or what!... ;-) I longed for these two since I had the encounter with the albums in Kenneth, my MD's car. I knew I had to have them. These HDCD (High Definition CDs) featured classics from the grand periods of Shanghai's night scenes. The sounds were impeccable.

The CDs costed RM89 per piece and came with individual satin fabric pouches. That's quite luxurious. Well, I've sinced had them dubbed onto copies to listen in the car (I fear anything that could happen to them ;-) )

Mpph... perhaps these would be the start of my classic Jazz collections... next in line, Arielle Dombasle and Frank Sinatra muahaha......

Well, Winnie, (did I say I really love her?!) did not end it there and went out to get me a bottle of men's fragrance... the Mont Blanc Starwalker. I love my colognes but I'm hopeless at finding the ones I really like, somehow Winnie just knows what would tickle my fancy... ;-)

My next prezzie came FREE and just in time to join me for Christmas, just 3 days before Christmas. It was my Canon Selphy photo printer! The prize which I won for the best Architecture photo competition on PhotoMalaysia. Read it here. Thanks to PhotoMalaysia members, admin and Stephen who helped with the prizes, I can now print our Christmas pictures instantly!

Okay, so we had our office "Secret Santa" Gift Exchange thingy... and my dear old friend & colleague Mat had my name... and he got me a nice wallet. It came in a nice little wooden box too! And may I point out something else it had... 16 card slots!!! and that's just the top insert slots...

How would I ever have so much cards to fill in those slots, is beyond my imagination. And even if I do, think about how much the back of my pants would be extending from my bottom should I try and squeeze that little "packet" of card holder in! Hehehe.... But, seriously, I liked the gift...

Then these was my brother, who was extremely thoughful this year, and came by bearing gifts. He made me rekindle one of my first love... reading! And he remembered one of my favourite author, Jeffrey Archer. It was the latest, first edition, hardcover of Jeffrey's A Prison Diary - From Hell to Heaven. I truly was excited to begin reading it... mmpph... which I would be doing right after this blog entry...

By the way, I didn't know that Jeffrey was held in a prison? Wow, for perjury some more... and having been a minister in the British government, that's rather unimaginable... mppph... But if it leads to a great story and best seller (of what this latest novel was based on), then it must have been worth it!

And finally, a present which I got myself... an Apple Ipod! I've always wanted one of these. Not that it's crucial to my survival, but it just feels good in my hand! Okay, okay, why you may ask did I get the 5th Generation Ipod rather than the latest or event the Ipod Touch... Well, honestly, I hadn't even considered to get this in the first place. But, then when I found out we had several units from our KLIA shopping Gadget Fair, and getting the Ipod at cost price proved too good to be true. I've since filled it up with music and videos and there's still more room to go in it's 30GB...

Well, this was the most number of presents I've ever gotten for Christmas. Well, may I say again, that this year's Christmas for us (and me especially) was extra special not because of the gifts but for the fact that everything just clicked together this year and many good things happened.

We really did feel Blessed! :-)

(Okay, it's gonna be another long blog entry if I started talking about Winnie and Celeste's gifts... ;-)...)

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