Latest Bloggings

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Judging Showtime with Celebs...

Was asked to be the official judge for the Mandarin Oriental Annual Staff Party. It was interesting because out of a panel of actors and actresses, I was the only non-TV personality... yes little 'ol me. But as I guess 9 years in the events industry does qualify me in some way to judge a performance, something which I am already doing at the office while filtering through suitable entertainment for my client... (yes, no, yes, horrible, dreadful...)

Yes, I was practicing my Simon Cowell impersonation (some weight loss would have been helpful with the looks... *sigh*)

Most importantly, I had the privilage to chat with Dato Aziz Satar, who worked next to P Ramlee in their hey days of local black and white comedy acting. Wonderful conversations... glad I practiced my Bahasa Malaysia.

There was the equally famous Ruminah Sidek... who was charming as ever and had that famous smile all the time... Emelda was a bit reserved but perhaps due to the fact that I was trying to create small talk which only, I myself found interesting! (shame...)

Radhie a regular face on local comedy, was always upbeat... Shahrizan was the Master of Ceremony for the evening...

It was fun... being a celeb and walk the red carpet for a change...

Oh... coincidently, the evening's affair was managed and organised by my wonderful team of event managers... Perfect show? Well, only they (and me, sitting from the judging table... ) know where the little glitches were... too seasoned not to notice! hehehe... (waving finger..)

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