Latest Bloggings

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Kenny Talks About : Focus

Sometimes I find it hard to concentrate in the office.

There are lots of things to distract the mind. And I don't only mean those outright distractions. Your own mind is a playground for all sorts of thoughts to play around.

I've always find it hard to be totally focused on a certain task or topic as I mentally wander a lot. It's kind of a way I would look for other avenues to keep my mind busy instead of taking a task by its reins and guiding it all the way to completion.

I guess sometimes I blame it on a lack of sleep. Lack of concentration and focus could be due to being mentally tired. So, a little perking up with coffee does help. Lately I seem to require cups of coffee when I need to boost a little mental alertness.

Your mind has a mind of its own.

Does sound a little funny doesn't it? But when you look at your conscious and subconscious mind, you find they regularly comes to conflict when it comes to focus. Consciously you may tell yourself to focus on important tasks, but there is always that little voice, your subconscious telling you how much better it is to do something more entertaining.

I usually find my focus when it comes down to the last leg, or when I'm feeling the crunch time. Burning the midnight oil or hurrying to the finishing line, that's when I feel the rush to get something done. In a way, its good, as you have a clear goal to achieve, but bad in a way that you leave no room for mistakes.

It helps to set an advanced goal.

That means setting a point earlier than the actual time to get a task done and then rewarding yourself for having achieved that. You would actually be able to give yourself the same motivation, push and focus especially if the reward is of a great value and the extra bonus is being able to stay calm from the point of your pre-set dateline to the actual completion period.

Now, I've gotta end it here and get back to what I was doing before.... now what was that again?...

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