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Thursday, November 1, 2007

Spiral Integrated : Team Building Weekend

Okay, I knew our recent increase in staff numbers and new Spiral team recruits had to eventually lead to this. A team building weekend. I was totally in on the idea of encouraging team spirits and fun among the staff especially the new ones. It was an excellent idea.

So we began about a week prior, by grouping the entire Spiral staff into three teams. As Cheil, Samsung’s brand and communincations partner was part of this team building exercise (we also called it a Getogether) was also involved, the split up as well to join each of our teams.

Next thing we knew, there were homeworks! And there I thought, we’d have a bit of weekend getaway and fun, but no! Admist all of the work that we have in progress at the office, we were set to work on team tasks. Beginning with the cheer… that was certainly a real laugh!

Our team chose Transformon as our name, but no, we were not high on crack or pissed drunk to have come up with that. When it was suggested, we roared in laughter and then knew it had to be. Transformers meet Doraemon!!! Yup, not Pokemon… it would have been too easy! but Doraemon instead. ;-D

After having given in to the fact that we could only hope for success by a resounding roar of laughters, we diligently rehearsed a cheer routine of what could only be known as humiliating and not to be mentioned ever again (after this blog, that is…). Perhaps descriptions of plastic cartoon water tumblers, kiddy fan, cute little bells around our neck and sad-looking-wannabe pom poms would give you a slight visualisation of the embarrassment that ensued…

Anyway, we started to make our way at an un-Godly hour of 6am on a Saturday, after only having a 2 hour sleep having just completed a big event the evening before. Got our way to the A-Famosa Resort in Melaka.

Spirits started high but begin to wane as we saw what our competition had prepared. Intimidating, rough and tough routines. Given a few minutes to rehearse before we had to present the cheer, we stuck our chest out and kept telling ourselves that it was laughter that we were after (and could perhaps only hope for!)

Well, our fears were put aside when we started our routine. It was surreal! My mind blocked out all the viewers and we just went for it. Damn… almost thought nothing could have been more embarrassing. Hehehe…

But, you know what’s the best part, though we didn’t come up tops with the team building exercises, we won ourselves a trophy for the Best Talent! You go figure that… It was a rewarding experience, one that taught each and everyone of use the importance of humility and confidence in what we were doing no matter what it was.

At the end of the day, we were closer friends, better colleagues and we learnt how to have fun together!

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