Latest Bloggings

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Part Time Maid

Finally took on the services of a part-time maid from today. It'll really help with all the back-breaking work of having to clean our two-storey house. Especially when we are both working with nobody else at home.

We had the maid over in our apartment earlier this morning preparing it for a new tenant. (Yes, that's another story for another blog posting). Very good and very diligent.

Having a part-time maid really helps with not having to worry about the welfare and arrangements for a full-time one. Afterall, with just the 3 of us, we don't really create much of a mess... (err... almost never... ;-P)

At least Winnie, got to sit, relax and watch a movie while most of the chores are being done. Call me a male chauvinist but I do chores more related to renovations or tougher, manly stuffs... (I'm beginning to sound like Tim Ellen in "Home Improvement")

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