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Sunday, October 7, 2007

Barbecue at the House!

So, we bought a new barbecue set and this is the first time in a long, long time we did barbecue at our own house. Winnie bought a red little thing, but don't let the size fool ya. It's actually one of the best barbecue set I've had to work with. I've used a RM4,000 barbecue set before, mind you those are feature-full but there's a bigger mess to cleanup and its a bit fussier to set up. Well, RM89 was money well spent!

I learnt a couple of new tricks this time around.

The first is to use charcoal bricket! Yeah, it's the perfect barbecuing agent. Smokeless and you don't get bits flying off it as it burns. This is unlike our traditional method of using char"wood". The ones you get for a couple of ringgit at the local shop. It's also very easy to light up and it burns evenly. The individual pieces is easy to move around, to spread the heat around.

Secondly, instead of spreading the meats individually over the barbecue grille, use a grille clamp that hold a number of meats together. Oh, this really made my job a lot easier! With chicken wings, instead of having the tips getting caught between the grille each time I needed to turn them around, they are tucked neatly between the clamps. Turning the meats around was easy!

What I realised we didn't have was the "smell"! Hehehe, I realise with the traditional method of the wood, you still get a bit of the charred wood smell of the barbecue. With the brickets, this was totally not the case. Next, time around, I'd do it with either hickory of mesquite wood chips....

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