Latest Bloggings

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Me doing Yoga?!!!

Trust me, I wouldn't have believed it myself if I wasn't talking about myself. Well, I did. Convinced by my fellow co-workers, who I had actually thought wouldn't be the first to suggest this sort of thing, I ended up in Yogazone in Sri Hartamas. Yup, that's the yoga chain that Angel Wong Chui Ling is the ambassador of.

I dreaded walking into the place. Nevertheless, I casually strolled in, knowing that a lot of heads were turning because of me. There I was, Kenny in my full bodily glory, standing among, 95% women staring at me and wondering whether I had stepped in by mistake thinking it was a hip restaurant. Bummer.... :-(

Well, I stuck my gut in and went on up to the studio. As I feared, apart from me and 2 of my colleagues, the rest of the 20++ limber limbed participants were female!!!

Naturally, I slid to the back of the class. It was 1 hour of excrutiating moves, of which I had not done for at least the last 12 years! But, I stayed cool. Err... on second thought, that sounded contradictory, as it happened my very first Yoga class was "Hot Yoga"... damn... I was sweating rainwater!... Looking cool was all I could do to avoid bringing the attention of the slim ladies around me to the pool of sweat I was collecting.


But, you know what... I felt good. And you know why. Of all the men who could be here, despite the condition of their fitness, and were not here, I still came. It was kind of proud to say, "I may look like this now, but at least I'm doing something about it!!!"

Now, when did they say was our next session...? *nervous*

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