Latest Bloggings

Friday, May 15, 2009

This Job is a Roller-Coaster

Isn’t it just the greatest job in the world?  I’m sorry but it may sound a little self-indulgent but you gotta give it to this job…

A job where you don’t just work for a single company but you are working on multiple projects for multiple companies!  It’s like you can expect different things every single day and the project environment changes according to what you are working on!

In one day, you could be putting yourself in the place of a cigarette company, working out event ideas and understanding the marketing mentality whilst working towards holistic planning in approaching set marketing goals, targets and ROI… The next day, you’re planning a costume party and understanding what entertainment works and what doesn’t for a bunch of 20 to 30 year olds… The very next day, you are in a board meeting advising a GLC company on the right approach for PR and event execution with a whole list of rationalisation to back-up your sales pitch! 

It’s excitement at its very peak! …and your mind could be reeling in the process of absorbing so much information and not to mention churning OUT information!

It’s a roller-coaster ride.  It’s a ROLLER-COASTER ride down to the trenches of seemingly impossible challenges and the peaks of euphoric triumphs…

The next ride is coming, gotta hop back in…

Ciao peeps! 

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