Latest Bloggings

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Excruciating Torture!!

Hmm.. what are your definition of modern day torture devices?  42-1974707042-19747101 


Yesterday was dentist day!!!  After having been avoiding the dentist for the last 5 years (took pride in the condition of my teeth thus far… well at least up to recently!), yesterday’s appointment was unavoidable as I had began to feel some pain in my lower right jaw…

Celeste was there too to have her teeth checked… I think she took it better than me considering that it was her first time EVER! Hehehehe…

So, with my great experiences of past fearful encounters with the “masked-kind” (dentists!!)… and their tools of torture, I reluctantly opened my mouth and braced myself… (hahaha… got the pun?  braced = braces?!!! Hahaha…. errrr… ok ok maybe it wasn’t so funny…)

Hmmm, do you notice how when the dentist talk… you can never tell what they are feeling?!!!!

Hmmm, must be something to do with their mask and their years of training, using their calm, emotionless voices to hypnotise you into thinking that the torture device in their hands would make everything fine… yeah fine AFTER THE PAIN!!!!!


Anyway… once the drill started… I have to say the whizzing sound that came from it is one of the most feared detail of this ordeal!! It was relentless… drilll… whizzz… drill… whizzz… drilll… whizzz… PAIN!!!!!!… drill… whizzz.. PAIN!!!!…. damn…

..and there I was helpless… with this lady dentist staring down my mouth… while my eyes looking for a point on the ceiling to focus on and “mentally” trying to fly away!!!…

With 2 cavities and 45 mins of repair… my body was numb… no… not the anesthetic… numb from gripping and flexing all my muscles each time the pain hit!!!


…and you know what was the parting message from the dentist after all this!!!!

…”If you should experience further pain after this time… you may be required for root canal repair….”

WHAT THE F$@#%!!!!!!

Root Canal Repair just means bringing me to the edge of pain-tolerance… no need to repair the canal of my root… just throw me into a canal some where!!!!

Hahahahahahaha… ouch… teeth hurts to laugh too much…… (kidding!)

;-)  Ciao (with a bright white “repaired” smile!!!)

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