Latest Bloggings

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mommy’s Day Dinner

Hehehe… after having repeatedly failed to book a place at the elusive Tamarind Springs restaurant located at the picturesque hillside of Ampang (I am getting to wits end wondering when we will finally be able to eat here!!!)

Anyways, Winnie’s practicality and common sense brought us to 1 Utama.  Yes, not only we were expected to fill our stomachs, a bit of shopping wouldn’t hurt (not that I can say the same for my wallet…)

So, Mommy’s Day Dinner was decided to be at Sushi Zanmai.  Another elusive place for me before this… just look at this…


Well, not that bad… 15 minutes of standing only.  I’ve seen a 30 minutes wait at this place before.

Winnie was trying to be happy.


No doubt, her smile just warmed my heart knowing there was still hope at the end of this queue.


But, then doubts began to set in… this place was that good meh?

Finally as we got to our seats, brought by a hostess who was trying to be as friendly as possible but obviously hurried…

The menu… not bad… photography wise lah… The test of taste was soon to be!


So, here it was…


Sushi!!! Succulent, juicy pieces of salmon draped over a fresh cut of perfectly steamed Japanese rice wrapped in aromatic seaweed paper and fresh condiments.

For the pics, that’s all folks!

Wait a minute… where the hell are all the rest of the pictures.  Hehehe…. *sheepishly* Well, considering having shot of first few pictures under the suspicious eyes of wandering waiters, and then in my hunger, beholding the wonderful servings and having to be overcomed by the urge to just pounce on the food in sinful delight… I guess the camera just got pushed to the side, neglected for the rest of the meal.

Sorry guys, but seriously, it’s GOOD.  You gotta taste and not just see it…  Sushi King/Gengki Sushi… they might as well start serving sushi burgers, unagi fries, and green tea flavoured softdrinks and come together to form McSushi… cause good Japanese food takes good care to prepare.

Well done, Sushi Zanmai.


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