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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Star Trek was out of this WORLD!

After having not slept through the night working on a new project… (yes… that tends to happen at “good” times when we do have something to do at the office… nuff said)

Anyway, after having lunch I had to make a choice to go back and get rested… but having been convinced by a number of my usually “docile” friends, who are not normally moved by anything other than epic love bits and chick flicks, that this movie was the “bomb” in their books, I decided the temptation was too great!


So, I convinced my physical self, that I had to watch this right at that moment… 

A little bit of history…

I don’t know if I am a Trekkie but I grew up with Star Trek.  I remembered Star Trek Enterprise being shown on the TVB (Brunei TV Channel) back in Miri on Sunday afternoons when I was back in Form 2 (That was like 15 years ago!)… and I never missed an episode.  Then again when I was studying in UK, I remembered watching Star Trek: Insurrection in 1998.. wow, that brought back memories.

Anyway, back to the present… I LOVED the movie, the energy, the pace the way in which it kept me awake (after about 30++ hours of of no-sleep)… Just as a point of reference, I slept through the sucky movie “Australia” even though I was wide awake.

quinto-spock I must say… I kept waiting for Zachary Quinto (who plays Sylar in Heroes) to slice the skull of all those he fought with!!! Hahahahahaha!!! Or maybe throw them across the room with his telekinetic force! Anyway, for someone playing an expressionless Vulcan, I guess he was the best person for the role, considering he already has a forehead and deepset eyes that was made for it! Hehehe..

33130172 Unfortunately, Chris Pine didn’t play a very good Kirk though… He was simply NO William Shatner.  I would have loved someone with a bit more of Shatner’s pompous style and persona. 

Nevertheless the movie indeed was a keeper in my books!!! I loved the storyline.. and all the best effects that went with it!

A MUST WATCH!! (over and over again… ;-)…)

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