Latest Bloggings

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Party Time : LG Blog Launch

final_lgblog02Whew…. just recovered from yesterday’s event.  The launch of LG’s new blog at  The concept of the party?  A gathering of all angelic and devilish bloggers.  Yes, it was Heaven and Hell colliding at the same time!!!  I had a cool time… well at least I can say it at the end of the evening as I was filled with scepticism as to how we would fill our venue, Metropol Bar (a chic new outlet in KL) with all sorts of devils and angels coming in character.  My doubts just disappeared with the appearance of our first bloggers!!!

Yes, without a doubt!  They were a bunch to be reckoned with.  So, there was the launch proper, free-flow of food and drinks, games that would shiver the most stoic of personalities.

Indeed I survived by sheer determination to see this through to the end!!! :-)  I shall be looking forward to more future fun like this… Hmm…. costume parties may just be making a BIG comeback!

Heaven and Hell collided!

Jolyn with her “Most Eccentric” costume!

Our special guests!

…and new friends!

Ciao people! ;-)


JOLYN GOH said...

aro there~~ Nice to meet u Again~~ =D

Kenny said...

Thanks Jo! I'm still surprised you came all the way for the party... remember what I said about our next party, ok?

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