Latest Bloggings

Saturday, February 7, 2009

From Kopitiam to Cafes

starbucks_gingerbread_latte I'm sitting here at Starbucks having my favourite low-fat latte, after an hour of gym session, and blogging on my phone...

Hmm.. is that how I wanna start this entry?  Honestly, I'm thinking, who cares?!  I could be blogging from a kopitiam in Miri, my hometown, a kampung house in Kedah or any of a hundred of places.

I wonder how much of what we say daily is a result of how we want others to perceive us rather than how we perceive of ourselves.


There is a big difference between doing something for ourselves that makes us feel good and doing something to make others think we feel good! 

Thus, the question that begs to be ask... "Who are we doing it for?"

Imagine yourself, a single person on an island, does it matter what you wear or how you look to the non-existent others. Or your soulmate who knows you so well as much as you know yourself was with you.  Or perhaps friends so close to you, you would give anything and sacrifice your best days just to be with them in times of need.  Does image matter?

The line is blurred, my friends.  And nothing is ever really bad.  Either way you think about it, it's the person you BE.

I'm just finishing my latte as I finish this blog.

Today I'm having my RM10 caffe latte, tomorrow I'll be having my 80cents teh tarik kurang manis... In fact, forget about the kurang manis!,... I'll have the real thing, head on.

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