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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Chinese New Year Chef... Amazes Himself

Hahaha... so, there I was... Chinese New Year eve and I was all alone at home.  Where was everyone, you may ask.. long story.  But to surmise it, Winnie and Celeste was back in Miri, my mom and dad was in HK, and my bro, sis and bro-in-law were coming around for dinner.

I had my work cut out for me.  This year, duties for CNY falls in my hand.  I had to cook CNY eve meal single-handedly... The responsibility was heavy... as heavy as the two woks that I was holding onto as I juggled the task of CNY "masterclass" cooking... hehehe...

Okay, it wasn't exactly a menu fit for the Gods... but it did get me close to the tail-end of dreaming about being an apprentice for the Gods of chinese cooking... *wink* *wink*...

Anyway, all you ladies (who cook) including my Mom and wife would have been appalled at how I did my shopping!  I practically did it 1 day before and I sped through the aisle at the local supermarket like how I usually drive my car. 

But, the menu was as clear as day in my head... If I had been a fickle minded woman, at least 3 days of shopping would have been required.  That task took me about 50 mins to be precise... hehehe...

Okay, so what did I churn out?


Started preparing in the morning and in between watching the TV, washing clothes, ironing, and the last sweeping of the house before new year, I sweated over the woks, pots and pans...

10 dishes!!!


  1. White Fungus, Fish Maw soup with Fish & Lobster Ball
  2. Pork Char Siew (marinated with red wine and spices)
  3. Roast Chicken with Plum Sauce
  4. Broccoli and Mushrooms in Chinese 5 Spice Sauce
  5. Sliced Beef, with Peppers and Spring Onions
  6. Fluffy Foo Yong Egg Omelete
  7. Steamed Choi Sum Vege
  8. Yong Chow Chinese Fried Rice
  9. Chinese Wet Fried Yellow Noodle, and...
  10. Yee Sang with Fresh Salmon


There were 2 other dishes (Japanese Egg Tofu and Century Egg + Marinated Sour & Spicy Cabbage) that I had unfortunately not been able to make.  But, considering only 4 of us were at the dinner... we were honestly thankful that I hadn't got around to it...


Seriously... I hadn't cook like this before.. at least not as much. 

I'm still thinking twice whether I should make this another one of my hobby.  Must do a reality check before I begin my plans to conquer the world of cooking!!!


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