Latest Bloggings

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Pucker Up and Kiss Life

Pucker up and kiss life.

If you got something to be happy about... kiss life... it deserves it.

If life is testing you... kiss life... it'll be surprised at your candour.

If you are sad... kiss life... there may be hope from this gentle gesture

If you are angry... kiss life... you'll calm down

If you hate someone... kiss life... it'll make you think of the good things about that person.

In the end... just be patient. 

Life may just end up kissing you. :-X

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Paradox of Our Life : Sobering Thoughts

Oh my goodness... I was really surprise this morning when I came into office, checked my mail and got this email forward to me by my Dad... I wrote my earlier note on Saturday morning but when I read this one, it's talking about something along that... and more!
It's really true, and close to heart. Thanks Dad!

The NOTE :

Isn't it amazing that George Carlin - comedian of the 70's and 80's - could write something so very eloquent...and so very appropriate.

A Message by George Carlin:

The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider Freeways,but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgement, more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness.

We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.
We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often.

We've learned how to make a living, but not a life. We've added years to life not life to years. We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbour. We conquered outer space but not inner space. We've done larger things, but not better things.

We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We've conquered the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but accomplish less. We've learned to rush, but not to wait. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less.

These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small character, steep profits and shallow relationships. These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes. These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill. It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom. A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete...

Remember; spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever.
Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side.
Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent.

Remember, to say, 'I love you' to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it. A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you.

Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again.

Give time to love, give time to speak! And give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

George Carlin

Contradictions Of Our Lives

Something we think of sometimes... sometimes a lot... sometimes not.

What is contradiction?

  1. When something so good is so wrong.
  2. When you can explain one moment and not in the next.
  3. When maturity is there along with immaturity.
  4. When you love and hate at the same time.
  5. When you want to know and don't want to know.
  6. When you are feeling at the top one moment and at the bottom the next.
  7. When you win but you lose at the same time.
  8. When you think you are so sure but unsure when you think about it.
  9. When you ask for help but want to hide away.
  10. When you need it but don't want it.
  11. When you can laugh and cry at the same time.
  12. When you regret but want to do it again.
  13. When you feel close but distant.
  14. When you hate that you love so much.
  15. When you think about not thinking about it.
  16. When you say it but don't mean it.
  17. When it's wrong to tell the truth and right to lie.
  18. When you are good but not that good.
  19. When you wish for something you know you can't have.
  20. When perversion is affection.
  21. When perfection is riddled with mistakes.
  22. When you make the right mistakes and the wrong good deeds.
  23. When you are thinking what he's not.
  24. When you are responsible at being irresponsible.
  25. When you think what's good for you isn't good for you.
  26. When she can't love you because she loves you so much.
  27. When the brightest moment is the darkest moment of your life.
  28. When the thing that touches your heart cuts you like a knife.
  29. When you have to hear what you never want to hear.
  30. When you give something you never intended to give.
  31. When she gives what you want and you can't take it.
  32. When the truth is a lie and the lie is a truth.
  33. When you can't let go of the thing you love the most.
  34. When the things you do wrong teaches you the right.
  35. When happiness is a lie and sadness is a blessing.
  36. When you have to let go of what you held on to so closely
  37. When it is only fair that life is unfair
  38. When we cry over something we should be crying for
  39. When we move back to move forward
  40. When we say so little to say so much

Think about it my friends... :-)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Spiral Annual Party 2009 was a Blast!

I think the pictures should suffice to tell you what a great time we had last Thursday at our 2009 Annual Appreciation Party held at the Sultan Lounge, Mandarin Oriental...

DSC_0073 DSC_0169DSC_0482 DSC_0377 DSC_0333DSC_0356DSC_0339   DSC_0528DSC_0296 DSC_0327DSC_0304 DSC_0009 DSC_0028DSC_0066DSC_0033DSC_0082DSC_0062DSC_0155DSC_0095DSC_0133DSC_0176DSC_0271DSC_0279

THANKS TO EVERYONE FOR COMING!!!... and making it a blast!

We gotta do it again every year!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Blog Test From My Phone

Okay I'm just checking out this blogging software on my phone!

Pics Can Talk is Talking Again!

Ok... Pics Can Talk, my blog about photography is back again.  I've been neglecting the task of spending time updating and adding contents to the blog.

So those of you keen on taking up photography or just want want get resources and information, check it out.

1-0 Maxis Broadband/Streamyx Fixed Line

Ok.. it's official.

My Maxis portable Broadband modem transmits faster than my fixedline Streamyx modem at home in the evenings.

Especially when I am looking through Youtube Videos and Facebook pages.

I thought I'd say that out so some bloody Streamyx people will know they have a sucky line here!!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Note for a Friend: Keep on Believing

My friend...

What you have today, may not be what you'll have tomorrow.

And tomorrow you'll have things that you are wishing for right now.

Believe...and know that whatever you are wishing for will come true.

Don't say something that isn't true, don't assume that things are the way it should be right now...

but believe...

...because if it happens, then you'll begin to trust in your beliefs.

...because if it doesn't happen, you never assume that it is the way it will be, then you move on.

My friend, don't say it, believe it.  Your action and your thoughts will begin to follow.

...and then things will be better.


A friend (who is a real Queen, Queen J actually) once told me a really, really good quote.  And I thought about it and this is how I interpreted it:

"Be happy with what you have. 

Because what you want, you don't have yet and you can get it anytime you set out to get it...

...but what you have, took your life's effort and is a statement of what you achieved.

So, take pride and be happy with what you have."

Happy Again.

I've been feeling crappy for a while.. a long while now, but today I feel happy again. Liberated, I guess. :-)

I wrote this here to remember. Maybe one day, I'll talk about it. :-)

From Kopitiam to Cafes

starbucks_gingerbread_latte I'm sitting here at Starbucks having my favourite low-fat latte, after an hour of gym session, and blogging on my phone...

Hmm.. is that how I wanna start this entry?  Honestly, I'm thinking, who cares?!  I could be blogging from a kopitiam in Miri, my hometown, a kampung house in Kedah or any of a hundred of places.

I wonder how much of what we say daily is a result of how we want others to perceive us rather than how we perceive of ourselves.


There is a big difference between doing something for ourselves that makes us feel good and doing something to make others think we feel good! 

Thus, the question that begs to be ask... "Who are we doing it for?"

Imagine yourself, a single person on an island, does it matter what you wear or how you look to the non-existent others. Or your soulmate who knows you so well as much as you know yourself was with you.  Or perhaps friends so close to you, you would give anything and sacrifice your best days just to be with them in times of need.  Does image matter?

The line is blurred, my friends.  And nothing is ever really bad.  Either way you think about it, it's the person you BE.

I'm just finishing my latte as I finish this blog.

Today I'm having my RM10 caffe latte, tomorrow I'll be having my 80cents teh tarik kurang manis... In fact, forget about the kurang manis!,... I'll have the real thing, head on.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Overnighter 1 : Looong Hourssssss...

As I am typing this with erratic fingers that run all over the keyboardssssddaasdwwffffasfg.... (oops there it goes again)... as well as droopy eyes, I am counting the number of hours I have not slept.  ... hmm... ok.... *thinking*... ok, forget about it, brain is already in "shutting down" mode...

Well, I just wanted to highlight it as the first overnighter of the year.  Nothing spectacular, just making a note of how many of these, there will be... ;-)


760++ Friends and Counting

Hmmm.... guess I've been asked 1 too many times before on how I got 760++ friends on my FB.

Okay, let's see if this justifies the nos... ;-)

  1. 170 school friends/hometown friends from Miri (there's more and I'm still looking!)
  2. 70 college (KL) & university (UK) friends
  3. 45 colleagues & ex-colleagues
  4. 120 suppliers & company partners (from 10 yrs ago)
  5. 185 clients and met on jobs (clients from so many yrs ago)
  6. 50 event personalities/performers/hosts we worked with
  7. 25 relatives (I'm sure there's more out there in FB)
  8. 45 photography friends (PhotoMalaysia/PhotoKaki/Click! Mag/Photography Workshops/Other Magazines)
  9. 30 people whom I bumped into on FB and found interesting ;-)

So that makes a total of +-740 people.

(Oh BTW, that's how you guys are categorised in my FB lists!)

So, where the heck did another 20++ people come from???!!

Yeah... I'm wondering about that.  Hmm... think they should be consisting of your friendly stalkers, the lonelies and desperates, females checking me out (God knows what for?!), males checking me out (I don't want to know what for!!!), and the nice people pretending to be people they are notsss...;-)

And you say "Why the heck did you add them?".  Guess at the time, it was the only way to find out who they were!!!... then I didn't get round to removing them... oh well, time for some grass trimming soon! (if I get round to it).

Ciaos friendly ppl!

(Say HI to me on FB if you hadn't already!)

Monday, February 2, 2009

Starting a Monday Morning

It’s a Monday morning and it’s been a while since I have felt great about a Monday morning. I and wondering about the reason for this. Perhaps it was the long break this Chinese New Year, a separation from work that helped me to recuperate and made me see what I love about my work. The excitement, the adrenaline rush, the relieve of stress and pressure after a certain task all adds to that feeling of accomplishment.

It’s going to be a great Monday morning because I woke up today smiling. Next time you guys wake up, remember to take note of how you are feeling at the time you wake up. Because that’s the note which will start the rhythm of your day. Which is why I really, really believe that it is extremely important to go to sleep at night having sorted things out or having done a little thinking about how you are going to go about your day. Otherwise, you would wake up, worried or not knowing what to do.

So, well for me, today…it’s a great Monday morning.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Chinese New Year Chef... Amazes Himself

Hahaha... so, there I was... Chinese New Year eve and I was all alone at home.  Where was everyone, you may ask.. long story.  But to surmise it, Winnie and Celeste was back in Miri, my mom and dad was in HK, and my bro, sis and bro-in-law were coming around for dinner.

I had my work cut out for me.  This year, duties for CNY falls in my hand.  I had to cook CNY eve meal single-handedly... The responsibility was heavy... as heavy as the two woks that I was holding onto as I juggled the task of CNY "masterclass" cooking... hehehe...

Okay, it wasn't exactly a menu fit for the Gods... but it did get me close to the tail-end of dreaming about being an apprentice for the Gods of chinese cooking... *wink* *wink*...

Anyway, all you ladies (who cook) including my Mom and wife would have been appalled at how I did my shopping!  I practically did it 1 day before and I sped through the aisle at the local supermarket like how I usually drive my car. 

But, the menu was as clear as day in my head... If I had been a fickle minded woman, at least 3 days of shopping would have been required.  That task took me about 50 mins to be precise... hehehe...

Okay, so what did I churn out?


Started preparing in the morning and in between watching the TV, washing clothes, ironing, and the last sweeping of the house before new year, I sweated over the woks, pots and pans...

10 dishes!!!


  1. White Fungus, Fish Maw soup with Fish & Lobster Ball
  2. Pork Char Siew (marinated with red wine and spices)
  3. Roast Chicken with Plum Sauce
  4. Broccoli and Mushrooms in Chinese 5 Spice Sauce
  5. Sliced Beef, with Peppers and Spring Onions
  6. Fluffy Foo Yong Egg Omelete
  7. Steamed Choi Sum Vege
  8. Yong Chow Chinese Fried Rice
  9. Chinese Wet Fried Yellow Noodle, and...
  10. Yee Sang with Fresh Salmon


There were 2 other dishes (Japanese Egg Tofu and Century Egg + Marinated Sour & Spicy Cabbage) that I had unfortunately not been able to make.  But, considering only 4 of us were at the dinner... we were honestly thankful that I hadn't got around to it...


Seriously... I hadn't cook like this before.. at least not as much. 

I'm still thinking twice whether I should make this another one of my hobby.  Must do a reality check before I begin my plans to conquer the world of cooking!!!


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