Latest Bloggings

Monday, July 10, 2006

Wedding Anniversary

Coincidently, today's our 3rd wedding anniversary. Woah... has it been this long? Our little girl is now 1 and half years old. I guess it has been. You know, I am so touched that my wife have not asked for so much of me. Funny enough, that makes me feel guilty all the time.

Well, I took her for her favourite Japanese Buffet at the new Shogun Restaurant, a sister restaurant to Saisaki. And she loved that. Have thought about what to buy for her but for her that's not very important. And guys, believe me, this is a tougher request as it only means that you need to work harder at showing her how much you love her. No tangible item in this case can replace that.

3 years down the line, and I still have to get the hang of being a good husband and a good daddy to my little girl. It'll come to me...*love*

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