Latest Bloggings

Monday, July 10, 2006

So sleepy!!!

Aiyah... you know it lah... me and and a couple of million people in this timezone. World Cup insomnia... Stayed up till early this morning to watch Zidane head butt an Italian player... Hahaha! That was hilarious, much more interesting to watch than the Italian winning the world cup. I think 80minutes of the game has gone to his head. What a way to finish the World Cup, by being sent off in the last 10minutes of the game. Oh well, I guess he's bigger than the game.

Enough of this French old man... alright I was up till 2 am furiously trying to finish two articles for Click! Magazine. Having a third magazine to write for really puts a test on my focusing skill. Yeah, may seem easy enough, but doing it after a hard day's work, having little Celeste to play with and then getting too sleepy to do proper writing, is quite a task!

Get a copy of this from the newstands guys, and tell me how much I suck at it... hehehe..

Ok ok... tonight got to start working on articles for the other two... more fun!...

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