Latest Bloggings

Monday, July 31, 2006

Pimp My Lens

Just like watching those shows where they break down a perfectly normal and new cars and totally redesign the finishing just so it ends up "not the normal", I suddenly decided I was gonna do something about my 70-200mm's ugly black hood. Normal is simply not enough.

So following the tradition of pimping rides, I walked into a car accessory shop and got myself an RM8 vynil car sticker. The best design they had was in the form of flame design, and I thought the red and yellow contrasted well against a black background.

Then I came back home, rolled up my sleeves an got to work. The had been die cut, so that makes it easier cut out, well, half the job is done anyway. Sticking is trickier as being a semi-perfectionist, I had to make sure the sticker goes down both sides symetrically.

Ended up spending 2 hours, re-trimming the stickers individually as some of them were joined to the larger part of the design.

In the end, I got what I want. Actually even the vynil gloss of the sticker gave quite a good 'feel' to the hood design. Though I'm not sure how long it will last, stuck onto the hood like that. Hehehe...

Oh well, I can always wait till it spoils and replace it with another design!

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