Latest Bloggings

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Trip to BALI for WORK!!!

IMG_4191 On Mon to Thu, I was down in Bali.  Interestingly enough, this was my first trip to the island after having mentioned about going there many, many times before. 

Hmmm... I think about the many times, my friends (those who think they belong in the upper echelon of society) starred at me, bugged-eyed and said, "OMG, Surpriseyou have NOT been to Bali?  Oh, I go there all the time, it's wonderful... look my tan was just from my last week there... and see love bite from a fling in Bali.... blah blah blah..."

IMG_4174 Hah!  Well, take that all back... I've finally been to the island.  But, alas, it's for work.. Sad Hmmm.. let me think about it again, perhaps it's not such a bad thing afterall.  A fully-paid trip to do the same work which I would have been required here to do back in KL anyway, and achieving somewhat a first... a regional job in another country, a grand gala event at one of the most spectacular venue in Asia and recognition to boot.  That's a layered cake, baby... with icing and cherries on the top. Big Grin

Well, honestly, I am also most pleased with the privilege of bringing my fellow team-mates who have worked so hard for this and other jobs and then perhaps a bit of R&R time afterwards.

Details of the job latersss, ok? ... once we've confirmed the details of the event and executed...


... the above is a teaser pic ... hehehe... Winking

Check out some more of my shots in Bali here:

PS : Hahaha!!!! I just had to laugh... If you see on the right side of this page, on my Blogger Poll, I had actually asked about where to go on my holiday... "an island retreat to Bali" was first on the list... I guess I can strike it off now...!!! Laughing

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