Latest Bloggings

Friday, April 3, 2009

A Friend In Town

I had a nice guest from Nottingham in town last Sunday evening.  Marianne, a friend of my good friend Jennifer Latham came by.  (Jennifer, if you’re reading this, you should have CAME down as well!!)… Anyways, a brief historical recap, Jennifer was a really good friend who gave me my first English treat in good ‘ol Birmingham, a nice little English dinner.  I never forgot that!  So, I owe her to bring Marianne around for an evening to see the sights. 

Well, being a seasoned globe trekker from Australia, Bali, Europe, Thailand, Indonesia etc.. I am sure backstreets and secret spots were where she wanted to head to.  We trotted from KLCC, to Skybar, for an amazing view of the towers from the top, nasi kandar for dinner (yes, her first time!.. hehehehe), Petaling Street and eventually, a spot of night scene in Bamboo at Taman Tun…

Here are the proofs!! ;-)  (Note to Marianne: I had as much fun as you did… !!  Hehehe…)

P1020238P1020247P1020241P1020235    P1020244P1020263

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