Latest Bloggings

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Ah… the pleasures of dissecting ANYTHING at all, be it a single word, a few text, a paragraph, a situation, a real scenario, a hypothetical event, verbal words uttered in a conversation, a picture, a person, a group, emotions, thoughts, a dream, someone’s problem, your own difficulties, a little excitement, about something, a new muse, an old passion, etc……

That’s my escape.

Give me a word… and I’ll give you a 200-250 word paragraph relating to it.

You know what it is?

It’s the pleasure of letting your words (and thoughts) take you on a journey somewhere else other than where you are right now…sometimes simply because you need to get away and you physically can’t!

Everyone can think… and think a lot.  May not be the same as another, but that’s the beauty of reading another person’s writing… it’s always different.

So, go ahead, “elaborate”… that’s my word of the week.

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