Latest Bloggings

Friday, September 25, 2009

kennygoh dot com

I’ve MOVED!!!

Ok… so, I got a Dot Com… and I’ll be blogging from there from now on.  All of my contents here have been moved there.

Hmm… after SHIFTING DAY, maybe I’ll have a BARBECUE COOKOUT at my new home! ;-)

See ya there!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

“Blink” – The Power of Thinking without Thinking

P1040008 I just finished the book, “Blink” by Malcolm Gladwell.  It’s a book that talks about thin-slicing, that instant moment within the first 2 or 3 second of us being confronted with a situation or subject and the immediate thoughts or judgement that is created then.

I loved it.

Gladwell had described many interesting scenarios of how important is our instant judgement, how it applies to us, how it’s used and how sometimes we need to be aware of snap judgements.  He isn’t just talking about relying on coming to immediate conclusions, rather giving an understanding of how it applies effectively to making a decision.


Loved the examples he shared inside here.  From a statue that did not look right in the first instant, to a general making judgement in the thick of a battle, to Pepsi and Coke’s differences and to the unfortunate incident of a man wrongly gunned down by inexperienced policeman. Gladwell, brought countless situations where thin-slicing is a key component of making the right decision.


What will I take from this book?  Well, I’d learn to react faster in situations where in the past, I’d otherwise stumble and be speechless.  It will definitely help with my wits and responses and most importantly understanding why I make snap judgements.

Must read for everyone! ;-)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Upside Down Cuteness on FaceBook

Do you know that FB has a upside down language setting?

Hmm… must be some kind of joke the technician at FB is having…

FB Technician 1: Okay, Muhammed is done with the last language… that makes 65 languages altogether.

FB Technician 2: Cool… hmm.. well, now I am bored.

FB Technician 1: Yeah… *yawn*

FB Technician 2: Hey, let’s stand on our heads for fun!

FB Technician 1: Alright!!!

(and they do it)

FB Technician 2: Wow… this is fun…

FB Technician 1: Now my FB screen looks funny… It’s upside down.

FB Technician 2: Oookay…. let’s see if we can do something about it.

(and they spend a pointless 2 weeks, creating a whole new lingo for people who likes to use the internet while standing on their heads!)

FB Technician 1: Wow… I love it… now if we can just get the management to fly us to space so we can work upside down… maybe create a couple more new lingos for whatever space aliens we find out there!!!



Wait a minute… not everything is upside down!…


That’s more like it… ;-)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Trip Back to Miri

So, I’ve been back for a week in Miri, Sarawak, my hometown.  So glad to have had this break to catch up with old memories, old friends and most importantly, family in Brunei as well.

It really helped to pop the chill pill and take it easy for a little bit after an extremely busy period in Kuala Lumpur.  I got a chance to indulge in some pampering from family but most significantly was the opportunity to go around and take pictures of my lovely city. 


Oh did I forget to mention about the food?!!!  It was food galore in this trip.  Hmm…. that reminds me about going back to KL and getting my fitness program back in check! Hmm… can I get back to normal if I don’t eat at all! Hehehe…

Well, we’re going back tomorrow.  It’ll be sad to leave but happy at the same time when things get back to normal after this loooong leave… :-)

P1030919 P1030693 P1030695 P1030696 P1030704 P1030845 P1030866

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Finally Doing Something Really Worthwhile Online

I’ve been busy.

I’m sure you must have guessed with the less than frequent posting on this site here.  So, what have I been working on?  Some of you must have also noticed my absence for quite a while now from my other social medias (or perhaps you didn’t and I am just kidding myself with some wishful thinking!).

Anyway, I’ve been busy on 2 online ventures.  Achievers Paradise and Pics Can Talk.  These are my 2 proudest online creation to date.  Finally, something which I am doing worthwhile online.  They are my little pet projects which I have been envisioning for quite a while now and finally has come to be.


Achievers Paradise is really a site which I dedicated to all my collection of ideas about personal improvements and being successful.  The 2 key words that I really hold dear to my heart, “achieving” your life’s work and living a blissful life of happiness in “paradise”. 


Pics Can Talk is as it says, a site that I share about all the things that I have gathered about photography over so many years of experiences.  Up to today, many young friends still ask me many things about photography which today I am sharing with you on Pics Can Talk.

Well, I have since monetized the site, allowing people to download some really useful materials from the site.  with my free time, I will be adding on more information and resources.  Well, I hope you guys reading this will take a bit of time to check it out for many new and exciting stuffs for your personal enjoyment.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Putting Yourself Out There… Online

I was having a chat with my brother a few days back and I suddenly had a moment of clarity and revelation (doesn’t happen as often as I would like it to!) as I was talking about portraying yourself online.

“The Internet’s the Devil.. Facebook is the Devil… Social Networking is the Devil”… ;-) (Along the train of thoughts from Mama Boucher in Waterboy)

I realise a lot of people when asked questions regarding online privacy, thinks of sites where you place your personal information and thoughts as being risky places where all sorts of strangers may get to find out more about yourself.

Well… ironically, these may also be the people who willingly battle day to day details of blogging or sharing ideas online.  The general idea is that as long as they talk about things that is happening around them, then they are safe from presenting private information. 

Well, for me blogging (or social networking) is a way of “cloning” yourself! – Putting your personality online to reach out to friends or anybody whom you allow to read your blog or profile.


Because as much as we like to socialise, we have very little time to do that in our own physical-self.  There is only one of us, after-all.  And we can only spend so much time with 1 friend at a time.

I treat it like cloning because your profile or status is reaching out to multiple people at one go.  It isn’t necessary a bad thing, but you need to be aware of who reads it or how so many different friends react to your posting.  (Which coincidentally, makes things even more interesting).


Also, having multiple networks isn’t faking it, it’s about how you wish to portray yourself in each network of friends.

It is no different from the fact that you dress up and put on extensive make up when you go for a chic party as compared to going for a Sunday picnic.  Or perhaps when you talk to colleagues and when you have casual outings with your friends.

We all talk differently in different situation… and so does our blog or blogs.

It’s about how you portray yourself.  Well, I love it cause I enjoy a multi-faceted lifestyle where I can always fallback on one or the other when I need to.  It’s all down to how I feel at the time.

And you know what’s the best part when all these “clones” of myself is doing their work online?  Well, I get to enjoy the things I truly enjoy in my own physical and real self without worrying about how I should portray myself in real-life!


Ciao! ;-)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Artistry 2009 – Liquid Sensations and Rhythm Persuasions


Isn’t that a most beautiful sight?!!!

Yup, that magic happened last night at our event for Artistry 2009.  It was an amazing event in all accounts even though I got to see it from ground up.  It was a spectacular sight to see the backdrop, ambience and details in the full glory of lights and rhythm that shook the whole place.

title The line-up of performances backed by an environment of pure rhythmic and pleasurable beats left no chance for a normal heart beat as DJ Milinka, One Buck Short, Homies, Dominique Tsai, Fatman Scoop, Ying Yang Twins and DJ Mr. Sam rocked the house down from one end of the show to the other.  Lumiscense provided an unequalled template of pure projection and lighting pleasures that left little room to ask for more.

Enjoy the pictures here, but words and pics do not come close to describing the euphoric nature of the entire experience that is ARTISTRY 2009 – The truly inspiring, worldwide phenomenon that is the Global Art of Mixing!






Tiring Couple of Weeks Ended Up on a High!

Sigh… I must get rid of some of this negativity!  Hmm… should live to my believes (read the title bar on top!).  These couple of weeks were pretty tiring getting things together at work, one thing after another.

But the celebratory event of Artistry 2009, sure changed the tone for the finale of this period.  I shall blog about that in my next update.

In anycase, I’m just glad to be able to pace myself for a while.  I know a couple more exciting events are coming up soon, I’ll just have to get back on my feet again running. (sigh… might still be for a little while longer). 

Tomorrow on leave! So glad to be doing something really different for a change cause I am taking little Celeste for her first play!  She’ll be playing Cinderella!  I’ll be posting pics and a documentary of how it will turn out!

;-) Ciao!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

IPhone is CRAP

After a long string of mental battle, between trying to convince myself it was cool to own and IPhone and to get the freaking thing to work it like how I was given the fantasy of thinking… I finally decided the thing was CRAP!!!

I’ve been having so much issue with the phone… when it’s downloading email, I have to sit and wait…  because you can’t do anything then!  The freaking phone lags even more than my grandma walking around the house on a bad day!  Often I have to go and get a cup coffee and come back and maybe do some work on my computer… go out have a chat, then come back and then, my phone would give me a shy smile and bing and says it was ready to be touched! …stupid…

And the word “No Service” has been burnt to my forehead… well… at least from the number of times I banged my head on the phone trying to get a freakin’ “service” out of it!!!  “I’ll serve you alright!!!! I’ll serve you a glass of cold water… straight from the tap!!!!” … stupid…

…with my Maxis Sim Card…

…with my DiGi Sim Card…

Anyone wants it? …. :-(

Monday, June 29, 2009

Back from Shanghai!

Yay… I’m so happy to be able to blog again!…  Of course this is among other things which I am happy about coming back…

Well, guys, just be glad that our censorship isn’t as bad as China’s… at least we still can have our say.

Now… I’m just too tired to start writing a long blog… I’m going to sleep first!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father’s Day

To my friends, REAL MEN, who has done the BRAVEST and MOST DARING thing, to go where all men COWER in fear...HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!... :-D

…I think I’ll treat myself today… I’ll take over the controls of the TV remote control, leave the toilet seat up, and shave and NOT wash the sinc…

The Words Escapes You

Oh my… when you have to write a lot a lot… and torrential amount of words seems to just be pouring out of you continuously, your brain without a doubt will be sucked dry, ending up like an arid piece of sandy patch that’s being eroded by winds that never ceases..


Writing, writing, thinking, writing, thinking, change topic, write, write, think, write, think, write, write,…take break for fingers… think, think, write, write, change topic, write, write, think, think, write, think… bang head on the wall.. think some more, write, write, think, think… write, think, write…


What’s a good show that I can watch whilst my brain is turned off and recuperating?  I’d walk to the cinema.. “Sir, ticket please… oh yeah, and can you leave your brain by the cloak room, you don’t need it for this show…”


I don’t care… it’s Sunday… and I’ll be “dumb”.


Oh ya… maybe I’ll watch some more Magibon on YouTube or enjoy the soothing sounds of MichellePhan’s voice as she talks about makeup which I totally have no use off…

For now… Kenny is switching off!

Magibon Crazy


I’ll probably talk further after I wipe my tears dry…

ROFLMAO some more…

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Zee Avi from Miri

Hahaha… a colleague of mine just showed me this WONDERFUL video clip from an international singer who happens to be from Miri, Sarawak… my hometown! 

So nice to know that we have a talent like this from my neighbourhood.  Anyway… when I saw this clip.. I was laughing so hard..  I LOVED it… Wishing that there will be more like this.

Just listen to how great she is.. her single!

Exciting 2 Weeks

Wow… when a person hits a high… he really HITS a high…

These 2 weeks was it for me… It was like one thing after another at work… but it wouldn’t be a good feeling if things were piling up.  Well, in this scenario it was like job in… get done… next one.. get done… job in… get done… next one… get done… and on and on.

I guess that’s the best way to get a high when you know while you are working on other things, the stuffs which have been done earlier are in the works.

Well, the excitement is just the beginning.  I’m like on a roller coaster ride that’s been through a few dips and rise… but I know the big loop is coming and it isn’t just one!


Monday, June 8, 2009

Fitness Back on Track

Okay!  I’m getting my fitness and health back on track!

After having accomplished a burst of fitness furore in August – October last year which saw a great improvement in my physical self… I really believe it isn’t impossible to get back my old self physically.  Well, November through to Chinese New Year didn’t help. Hehehe…

Yup, there was a period of pause.  But now, having sorted out transportation and timing issue, I was back.  The random spurts which I had to try and get started will (hopefully) now be replaced with a permanent goal to achieve my ideal physical goals.

Hmm… personally, I’d say, this round started last Saturday, 6 June.  I had a gym session in the morning, Salsa in the afternoon and badminton in the afternoon.  Hadn’t been that active for a while.  By 11pm on Sat night I was snoring in high heavens!  But, the routine started again on Sun morning at 7am…  and then a last-minute decision for a jungle walk on Sun afternoon with the wifey and princess.  Then again this morning!

You know what… I’m in pain now… Every muscle of my body screaming for help.  But, I’m gonna leave it to my mind to hold that all important “health conference” and convince my aching body, why I need this! Hehehe…

Oh another reason, I’m going back in August to see Mom and Dad along with all my relatives… ;-)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Ken Can Quote : Dream

If you can DREAM, you are already on your way to making it HAPPEN.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Ken Can Quote : Money…

Money don't make the world go round... but it makes people go round the world...

Rearview Mirror of Life

Do you drive a car without rearview mirrors?

How does the rearview mirror help?

  • To see cars that are coming either on your left or right before you turn and cause an accident.
  • To look behind to see if anything is coming right up behind you, threatening to run you off the road!
  • Or simply to see what you have just passed or drove over!

The rearview mirror of life is for ALL this and MORE!  Don’t take it for granted… We all need to use it, we all need to look “behind”… ok?

(PS… ever thought of changing your rearview mirrors to the BIG one so you can see more?!!!) ;-)

That was just a quick thought! ;-)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Good Morning Greeting!

Good morning people!!!

A short greeting to SHOW you how BUSY I am in this period that I hadn’t even updated my blog in the last 3 days…. Hahaha… don’t you think that’s funny?  Before this, I would have said 3 months, but now it’s only 3 days…. go figure! ;-)

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Excruciating Torture!!

Hmm.. what are your definition of modern day torture devices?  42-1974707042-19747101 


Yesterday was dentist day!!!  After having been avoiding the dentist for the last 5 years (took pride in the condition of my teeth thus far… well at least up to recently!), yesterday’s appointment was unavoidable as I had began to feel some pain in my lower right jaw…

Celeste was there too to have her teeth checked… I think she took it better than me considering that it was her first time EVER! Hehehehe…

So, with my great experiences of past fearful encounters with the “masked-kind” (dentists!!)… and their tools of torture, I reluctantly opened my mouth and braced myself… (hahaha… got the pun?  braced = braces?!!! Hahaha…. errrr… ok ok maybe it wasn’t so funny…)

Hmmm, do you notice how when the dentist talk… you can never tell what they are feeling?!!!!

Hmmm, must be something to do with their mask and their years of training, using their calm, emotionless voices to hypnotise you into thinking that the torture device in their hands would make everything fine… yeah fine AFTER THE PAIN!!!!!


Anyway… once the drill started… I have to say the whizzing sound that came from it is one of the most feared detail of this ordeal!! It was relentless… drilll… whizzz… drill… whizzz… drilll… whizzz… PAIN!!!!!!… drill… whizzz.. PAIN!!!!…. damn…

..and there I was helpless… with this lady dentist staring down my mouth… while my eyes looking for a point on the ceiling to focus on and “mentally” trying to fly away!!!…

With 2 cavities and 45 mins of repair… my body was numb… no… not the anesthetic… numb from gripping and flexing all my muscles each time the pain hit!!!


…and you know what was the parting message from the dentist after all this!!!!

…”If you should experience further pain after this time… you may be required for root canal repair….”

WHAT THE F$@#%!!!!!!

Root Canal Repair just means bringing me to the edge of pain-tolerance… no need to repair the canal of my root… just throw me into a canal some where!!!!

Hahahahahahaha… ouch… teeth hurts to laugh too much…… (kidding!)

;-)  Ciao (with a bright white “repaired” smile!!!)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Redesign… redesign…

I’m fighting the urge to redesign my blog!

Well… after bumping to some really cool templates I realised there is so much you can do with the look and feel of your pages!

Nevertheless, I’d like to think of this blog as being personal and all the elements I put here is my own.  I’ll stick to it… especially the part about being “sunny”!

Happy weekday people.  Hope it’s as sunny for you! ;-)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Whole New Meaning to Using Toilet in Public

Hmm.. I just came across this interesting little bit of news.  Apparently, in London’s tourists quarter, someone came up with the brilliant idea of a one-way mirrored toilet…

Wow… hmm… I wonder who would have thought of that?  Perhaps someone who’s sat long enough on the crapper and feeling that his/her life isn’t interesting enough.  Or the setting in of quiet desperation for attention!!!

Ok, apparently some people love voyeurism… this takes the cake.  Seems just like some act of desperation.. “Ooohh… I need the rush!”…



Hmm… personally, let’s just say music would not be in my head if I said, the flute will not be played here or you won’t be hearing from my ding dongs soon enough… no sir ree!!!!  Big Ben here is just gonna have to find some REAL privacy to water the plants!!!

Hahahaha… :-)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Stay away from my Lunch!!!


Found this being sold online… dang… who would have thought of a simple idea like this! Hehehehe…

You have your freshly made sandwich and happily bring it to the office community fridge… where it should be safe, right?…

Well, WRONG!!!

Well, frustrations led to this cool idea… a “mould printed” paper bag!  Hehehe.. I love it!  Of course unless, the nosy office cleaning lady comes over and chucks it away…

But beware ok, don’t end up late one night, while at work and half asleep, going to the fridge and mistaking a real mould growth for this and start chomping down on it…

It wouldn’t be a pretty sight in the toilet later… ;-) Hahahaha…

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Electrotango is the next sexy..

Working on some music ideas recently for an upcoming project, I came across the new fangled music (well, maybe not so new to Europe but certainly a new discovery to me) called ElectroTango… a fusion of Tango presented in a new fashion way of Electro music composition.

…and I find it pure and simply, sexy!!!

Some of you may recognise it from music used by Cirque du Soliel and similar performances… YES, it is the type of music used for that… very rhythmic… just nice for the steps used in the performance!

Just makes you want to stand up and strut, don’t it!?


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Twitt Twitt! :-D

Just in case you didn’t realise…


I’m on Twitter too!

or RSS here

Ciao! …or should I say… twittaloo….!!! :-D

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Daily Motivations : Take a Bite Size at a Time

Sometimes you are just overwhelmed at the amount of things that gets dumped on you.  Whether it’s work, relationship, responsibilities or just your personal goals, there is a limit to how much you can “consume” at a time.

42-18636764Oh yes, I believe my mouth is bigger than hers…

So, just take a bite size.  It may be small, but you know you’re gonna finish that cake one way or another.

So, heads up people… and just enjoy the taste… Hehehe ;-)

The Irony of Fitness and Sticks of Pleasures..

So, today on this lovely sunny Sunday as I stepped out of the gym, my enjoyment of the natural condition around me, the wonderful blue skies, the warmth of the sun on my skin, and the fresh cooling wind was suddenly and rudely interrupted by a haze of puffed smoke… and ironically, these came from the very same gym mates who only moments earlier, sweated and puffed along side me, with faces committed to achieve a certain target on the treadmill. 

Hmm… irony… oh yeah!!! It’s a BIG irony alright!!!

I wonder what makes these people tick?  Or rather… what ticks in their heads?  What ticks when one thinks about exercising to get fit… and while the body works one way, their index and middle finger tightly grips the stick of pleasure in between them.

Forgive me for being generalising the matter, but though there may be many reason leading to being a puff monster but the ultimate result can be only one… and that result we’ve been taught since young and now appears on the front of cigarette packs sold everywhere.

Anyway, I didn’t write this to evangelise smokers here… I was just ranting because I felt good at the gym and even out of the gym until my image of hardworking healthy people was just shattered….


Well… Gym and Smoking is just wrong…

Wait a minute… that smoker is old… he isn’t suppose to still be old.. in reality, he may have died a long time ago.. if he was really a smoker… ;-)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Angels and Demons Movie Review

Watched Angels and Demons yesterday and I totally enjoyed the movie!  As I began the show, I tried to recall back events and clips from The Davinci Code, thinking perhaps parts of the movie will be making a reference back to the earlier movie written by Dan Brown.  I was surprised to and glad to know that the movie had its own storyline.


The show had the feel of adventure movies in the past like National treasure except that it was “realistic” and WAY much better with Tom Hanks at the helm!  (I seem to compare Nicolas Cage with Tom Hanks a lot, but of course as much as I love Nicolas Cage, there is no comparison… Tom Hanks is definitely the true master of suspense and mystery.. and Nicolas… well, let’s just say he’s usually the comedic relief in movies that are just meant to be serious..)



Anyway, back to the movie… the pace and suspense is kept right up there from the start… but then again, anything that involves religion and deep meanings usually do always keep you on the edge of your seats..  I loved the fact that although it was about Christianity and beliefs, it was clear enough to be understood by non-Christians and those who are not stoic Christians.

With regards to the ‘chase’… there was just enough and not too much that will make it dizzying… so just right!  There is so much depth even in the cinematography that it’s a movie that will make me watch again and again..

If you haven’t watched it.. go with an open mind, and just be mesmerised! ;-)


Friday, May 15, 2009

This Job is a Roller-Coaster

Isn’t it just the greatest job in the world?  I’m sorry but it may sound a little self-indulgent but you gotta give it to this job…

A job where you don’t just work for a single company but you are working on multiple projects for multiple companies!  It’s like you can expect different things every single day and the project environment changes according to what you are working on!

In one day, you could be putting yourself in the place of a cigarette company, working out event ideas and understanding the marketing mentality whilst working towards holistic planning in approaching set marketing goals, targets and ROI… The next day, you’re planning a costume party and understanding what entertainment works and what doesn’t for a bunch of 20 to 30 year olds… The very next day, you are in a board meeting advising a GLC company on the right approach for PR and event execution with a whole list of rationalisation to back-up your sales pitch! 

It’s excitement at its very peak! …and your mind could be reeling in the process of absorbing so much information and not to mention churning OUT information!

It’s a roller-coaster ride.  It’s a ROLLER-COASTER ride down to the trenches of seemingly impossible challenges and the peaks of euphoric triumphs…

The next ride is coming, gotta hop back in…

Ciao peeps! 

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Peanut Butter Latte

Hmm… dunno why this suddenly appeared in my head…  As I was making coffee in my office pantry, I suddenly had the urge to drop a dollop of Peanut Butter in my coffee and see what that taste like..


Anyone heard of this before? 

If this GOES ON THE MENU after my posting, REMEMBER!!!!!!!… I said it here FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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