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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

In Bali with DJ Tiesto on my Birthday!!!

A couple days ago, I dreaded this trip.  It was a trip to here, Bali... (yup, I'm still here) Must sound very funny doesn't it.  Who dreads Bali?  Well, it wasn't so much that it was Bali but the fact that the place that I was gonna enjoy some holiday breakaways in the future, was going to be the place I would remember for work...  And I expected it to be worse because I thought, I'd be away at work on my birthday.

But, it ended up to be one of the best experience.  First of all, the tour agency here that we were working with ended up surprising me with a cheer and dance, while we were having dinner at one of the most beautiful places in Bali, the restaurant at Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park.

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On top of that... I just found out on the same day that Tiesto, the World's No 1 DJ is in town!!!  And.... the tour agency gave us some free tickets to the event!

Poster Tiesto BALI (all sponsor)-748811

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OMG!  I got to see the World's No 1 DJ in Bali on my birthday!!! 

That's like walking into the Chocolate Factory... *giggling like a shameful little girl*

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Saturday, April 5, 2008

Weekly Hellos to Singapore

Travelling for work is NO JOKE...

Honestly, when you think about travelling for work in the beginning, it seems like a novelty... yeah... "LOOK!!! I am travelling again...".  Seriously, that statement leads to some more sighs Whew than smiles Happy...

Okay, hmm.. the last one month.. starting from end of March, I've been clocking my travelers miles with weekly meetings in Singapore, 2-3 days at a time.  Ok, ok... doesn't seem far to travel but when you think about flying, check-in, waiting, flight, with total waiting and traveling time of 4 hours one way and 4 hours back, that's 8 hours spent commuting!!!

If its driving, that's the same number of hours.

... wait a minute... hmm.. I just realised that if some of you reads this and thinks that I am complaining, trust me, I'm not... hehehe... Just had to stress that it's NO JOKE, that's all.

Well, I do miss my wife and daughter while I am away, but it's great that they both understands (well, my daughter is trying to) but it's a whole new way of working for me and for them.  It's seasonal but having to commute actually does give me more appreciation to those who need to do this on a weekly ritual for the entire span of their working career.  I am also curious to find out the common practices of such business commuters.

Well, the Bali trips are just starting but, it'll just be for another 2 trips or so...

Need to sort out my traveller's pack.....

Trip to BALI for WORK!!!

IMG_4191 On Mon to Thu, I was down in Bali.  Interestingly enough, this was my first trip to the island after having mentioned about going there many, many times before. 

Hmmm... I think about the many times, my friends (those who think they belong in the upper echelon of society) starred at me, bugged-eyed and said, "OMG, Surpriseyou have NOT been to Bali?  Oh, I go there all the time, it's wonderful... look my tan was just from my last week there... and see love bite from a fling in Bali.... blah blah blah..."

IMG_4174 Hah!  Well, take that all back... I've finally been to the island.  But, alas, it's for work.. Sad Hmmm.. let me think about it again, perhaps it's not such a bad thing afterall.  A fully-paid trip to do the same work which I would have been required here to do back in KL anyway, and achieving somewhat a first... a regional job in another country, a grand gala event at one of the most spectacular venue in Asia and recognition to boot.  That's a layered cake, baby... with icing and cherries on the top. Big Grin

Well, honestly, I am also most pleased with the privilege of bringing my fellow team-mates who have worked so hard for this and other jobs and then perhaps a bit of R&R time afterwards.

Details of the job latersss, ok? ... once we've confirmed the details of the event and executed...


... the above is a teaser pic ... hehehe... Winking

Check out some more of my shots in Bali here:

PS : Hahaha!!!! I just had to laugh... If you see on the right side of this page, on my Blogger Poll, I had actually asked about where to go on my holiday... "an island retreat to Bali" was first on the list... I guess I can strike it off now...!!! Laughing

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