Latest Bloggings

Monday, June 19, 2006

My 70-200mm f4 L Lens

Look at that background blur...

Pretty impressive considering it's only bounce flash illumination.

After getting the lens I kept thinking whether I should have gotten the EF 75-300mm f3.5-5.6 USM IS lens.

Weighing the pros and cons...

My 70-200mm f4 L Lens
  • It's an L Lens meaning professional quality (red striped)
  • It's white (may be a con too cause will get too much attention if you are at a low profile event...)
  • Sharpness simply excellent
  • Solidly built
  • f/4 meaning slow (but only by one stop)
  • mmpph... what else? none? that's how good this lens is, I guess.
The EF75-300mm f3.5-5.6 USM IS Lens
  • has IS (Image Stabilisation) ... *sigh* ...
  • has an additional 100mm length
  • aperture changes from 3.5 to 5.6
  • NOT an L Lens
  • front element rotates!
  • front element extends outwards!
So I guess the main emphasis counts the most, right? Despite the pros and cons of the above. My emphasis on getting a professional lens is IQ (Image Quality). My new lens may not have IS or an additional 100mm length, but hey it's nothing a monopod and a 1.4x extender can't solve.

Nothing is wrong with both lenses, but I've read enough reviews on them to know that, if you can afford, always get the better item! (even if it may not have everything)

Hehehe... now I feel better.

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