Latest Bloggings

Friday, August 28, 2009

Trip Back to Miri

So, I’ve been back for a week in Miri, Sarawak, my hometown.  So glad to have had this break to catch up with old memories, old friends and most importantly, family in Brunei as well.

It really helped to pop the chill pill and take it easy for a little bit after an extremely busy period in Kuala Lumpur.  I got a chance to indulge in some pampering from family but most significantly was the opportunity to go around and take pictures of my lovely city. 


Oh did I forget to mention about the food?!!!  It was food galore in this trip.  Hmm…. that reminds me about going back to KL and getting my fitness program back in check! Hmm… can I get back to normal if I don’t eat at all! Hehehe…

Well, we’re going back tomorrow.  It’ll be sad to leave but happy at the same time when things get back to normal after this loooong leave… :-)

P1030919 P1030693 P1030695 P1030696 P1030704 P1030845 P1030866


extremesh said...

My god, did you take this pics? It is simply amazing! What camera u used and any filters? :) Anyway very nice...

Qippy said...

nice shots indeed

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