Latest Bloggings

Monday, March 23, 2009

My Notes for a Happier Life

Some notes that we should always remember to make each of our lives a bit sunnier:

  1. Live life like you have only ONE LIFE TO LIVE!
  2. Kiss like you are giving LIFE to your lover
  3. Laugh like you are the only one in the room
  4. Dance when you are NAKED and see yourself smile and even LAUGH!
  5. Hug your child like you are her WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD!
  6. Say "I LOVE YOU" as much as you say hello
  7. Tickle another and allow yourself to be TICKLED!
  8. Look in the mirror and smile, happy that YOU ARE YOU!
  9. Cry like a thunderstorm, because when the tears end like the rain, the SUN WILL APPEAR!
  10. Money comes and go, but LOVE IS FOREVER
  11. Spend more time on WHAT YOU HAVE than working for what you have not!
  12. Do you COMPLIMENT about good service as much as you complain about bad service?
  13. A nice thing you say to someone does AS MUCH GOOD FOR YOU as it does for that person.
  14. JUMP OUT OF BED instead of crawling.
  15. Write your FAVOURITE SONG list on the wall of your toilet and sing!
  16. TOUCH your partner every moment, every minute you are with her and FEEL it!
  17. Let people OWE you and don't expect to OWE people.
  18. STRUT to work with your head up, don't slouch!
  19. Practice your SMILE, not your FROWN!
  20. Most importantly, love yourself like YOU ARE THE MOST PRECIOUS THING IN YOUR WORLD!

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