Latest Bloggings

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Cam Whore in the Making

What's that about?... you may ask...

Well, this part of the story is about my physical self...  A topic which I have never been really proud about... well up to NOW!!! :-) :-)

I've always been physically challenged in the area of body definition and looks (damn, did I just say that?  Sounds so gay!)

Anyway, with the last joke told to me in August about being a SANTA CLAUS for Christmas, I decided I'VE HAD IT!!!!!  Damn freakin' fed-up and frustrated and sick and tired... of all those paunchy jokes... Yeah, I'm the one that finishes the dishes at the end of meals, loves the juiciest, oil dripping cuts, acquiring the habit of having sinful snacks while I enjoy the late evening entertainment... though all these are not usually true, it still hit close to the heart whenever it's brought up!

So, it started in August...

A fitness regime that will make a difference. 

Fitness First, which I had neglected close to 2 years is suddenly now my favourite hang-out.  Rice, sugar, flour all  white stuffs... has now been categorised as 'icky' in my list of foods.

Food replacement meals, which I had tried before in the past but strangely enough with the motivation of a new me, now tastes even better ;-), oatmeal and dried fruit breakfast, a little help from Hydroxycut (spare me the explanation and google it up if you wanna know).. it was the beginning of a wonderful relationship with fitness and health!!!


What do you get when you put all this in the mix along with a determination to change... well, see for yourself.





And friends... it's still a work in progress ya!  Goals to be set in December and February... ;-)

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