Latest Bloggings

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A White Beauty

Ah!!! Finally, the long anticipation for the arrival of my white beauty has finally been realised today as I collected my pristine white Camry from the dealer this afternoon.  I could hardly contain how I felt as I drove my way there.  In a fleeting moment, I reflected on the distance I had come within a span of almost 11 years, the vehicles I drove tracking the path of my life.

It started off with my Dad's Mazda 323 in 1998 when I was back in Miri.  It was a young man's little move-around mode for about a year.  Then, it was a Proton Iswara which marked the move into a real career in Kuala Lumpur.  P1080703In 2005, 6 months after the birth of my little princess, the Toyota Avanza came to be the trusted transport for my little and new family! Honestly, I'm gonna miss that car.

And now, as I move on to the next phase of my life, in the wake of new beginnings in our career and a new home, this white icon, makes its way into our lives.  I am sure it will see us through many, many years to come.

my_camry01Anyway, the heart of a little boy in me meant that the Camry had to have little tweaks to just give it that little extra difference to be unique.  Honestly, it was just very, very minor.  I had closed one eye and opted for V-Cool Elite Tinting, the top of the range from the leader of auto film manufacturer.  Cheap? NO... worth in time to come? YES and much more... hehehe.

The car came with a cool optional bodykit which I believe will be enough trimming for it not to be dubbed a pimped vehicle.. and yet being a little different from stock.

Hmm... my colleague Sly seems to have convinced me to a set of sport rims on the car.  My heart seems to be talking louder than my analytical brain (which happens to be calculating figures...)  Will see where that goes... *sniggers*

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