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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Event Grandeur in Bali!!!

It was unbelievable...

And I meant that in many ways, the definition of the word.  First of all, I'd have to say, unbelievable in terms of how tired we felt at the end of it all.  Honestly, it was a test of not only physical work by mental dexterity that required never ending and constant alertness.  It was a learning experience working with people from different nationalities and having to bridge all these into a single unison successful project.

Our client was from Singapore, Samsung Singapore to be precise.  And though we were neighbours, the pace and style of work was different.  The client was assisted by consultants from Korea and a Singaporean office.  Seeing eye to eye and trying to talk at the same level was a constant battle of communication finese... hehehe.  And the Balinese support partners were quite a different bunch altogether and works on a different pace level, one that suits the easy going style of Bali... *smile* 

A brief outline of the job and what we had to do...

We were honoured to have been appointed the team to execute a grand event and exhibition concept in Bali for Samsung Regional Headquarters. 

We developed a concept that saw the build-up of a grand scale exhibition showcasing Samsung's range of printers.  For this purpose, we flew in our production team to work at a local outfit.  I was impressed with what they did with what they could get in Bali.


We also conceptualised a grand gala dinner event which served as the cherry on the top!  The venue, the Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park was the scene... and the sky was the backdrop!!!  It was breathtaking without our structures but out of this world and almost surreal with everything in place!


May I say at the end that it was nothing short of spectacular... and I am so very proud.

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