Latest Bloggings

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Golfing at Guthrie Golf Course

golf It's been two Sundays since we've made it our routine to play golf every Sunday morning.  It's about time I got round to getting myself on the move and some exercise!  Smile

The Guthrie Golf Course, which is essentially a golf academy which features very, very short Par 3 holes which they actually called "Pitch and Putt".  So, I guess you can literarily walk around with a pitcher and a putter and do a full round of golf at all of its nine hole. 

So, Kenneth and Sly are now my official golf flight members.  Fortunately for me, we are all amateurs at this... makes my golf look not so bad!! hehehe... Tongue out

Last week we started a bit late at 9am and ended up being fried by the sun at 11:30pm.... unbearable!

This Sunday, being smarter, I woke up at 5:30am... yes crazy right?  5:30am on a Sunday morning!  And got round to picking up Kenneth and meeting Sly for a quick breakfast before teeing off from the 1st hole at 7:30am.

I have a few more rounds to go before I'd post my score here, for fear of being ridiculed!  But, honestly, I am doing much better this week than the last!

Hopefully this keeps up... it'll be nice to apply for a golf club membership with all the perks... eventually...... Sarcastic

Wednesday, March 5, 2008



I've finally got round to doing it... a dedicated blogsite which will feature some of the writing works I have done in the past 4 years as well as new photography and digital image editing techniques.

Some of the earlier articles from this site are my published works in Sound & Pictures Mag, Chip Photo Video, Digital Camera & Photography as well as Click! Magazine.  However, I will also be presenting techniques and tutorials of new photo editing styles which I am currently exploring with.

I hope you all can learn something new from these pages.  Do check it out and enjoy!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Windows Live Writer

CRW_9581I just downloaded this application which allows me to upload my blogs directly here.  Hmmm... curious... I am just testing this out to see how it works.

Just added the photo on the left... looks promising... let me upload this and see how it turns out.

*Edit : Okay!  It works!!!  And much easier to use than the HTML editor... love it... more to write tonight!


Sunday, March 2, 2008

New Photo Collection : Wildlife

Hey, check out my new collection of pictures entitled "Wildlife". This time around, I am revisiting some of my old shots with a new "lease on life". Took the time to do a bit of creative editing.


My Flickr