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Friday, August 11, 2006

My Profile, Picture and Technique in UK published photography book

Woah... so happy!!!

On Tuesday, I went to the local Post Office Package handling division to pick up my package. I had an inkling of a feeling what it was gonna be so I very rajin to go all the way to Jalan Chan Sow Lin in Kuala Lumpur to pick it up during lunch time.

And lo and behold... a pack all the way from UK.

Got back to my office and like a little boy opening up a Christmas present, I extracted the contents of the package.

3 copies of "Guide to Extreme Lighting Conditions in Digital Photography" by Duncan Evans.

The write up was quite cool. Although I thought they were just going to use my picture, so it was interesting that they quoted me and the technique I used word for word.

Happy days!

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