Latest Bloggings

Friday, August 11, 2006

My Profile, Picture and Technique in UK published photography book

Woah... so happy!!!

On Tuesday, I went to the local Post Office Package handling division to pick up my package. I had an inkling of a feeling what it was gonna be so I very rajin to go all the way to Jalan Chan Sow Lin in Kuala Lumpur to pick it up during lunch time.

And lo and behold... a pack all the way from UK.

Got back to my office and like a little boy opening up a Christmas present, I extracted the contents of the package.

3 copies of "Guide to Extreme Lighting Conditions in Digital Photography" by Duncan Evans.

The write up was quite cool. Although I thought they were just going to use my picture, so it was interesting that they quoted me and the technique I used word for word.

Happy days!

Monday, August 7, 2006

Trip to Bukit Tinggi Resort

Drove up to Bukit Tinggi on Saturday morning. Something that Winnie had planned for us since two months ago. It was an enjoyable trip as the last I had been there was during the Valentine of 2004 with Winnie before Celeste was born.

We did book a two room suite at the Colmar Tropicale, the French quarters but then our initial plan of having my bro and sis tag along did not realise as they were out of town. So, Sly and his friend Mayat (don't ask hehehe...).. tagged along.

Little Celeste had so much fun. I think this trip allowed her the most interaction she ever had with animals. She got to pet rabbits, horses, doggy, swans and fishes...

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