Latest Bloggings

Friday, September 25, 2009

kennygoh dot com

I’ve MOVED!!!

Ok… so, I got a Dot Com… and I’ll be blogging from there from now on.  All of my contents here have been moved there.

Hmm… after SHIFTING DAY, maybe I’ll have a BARBECUE COOKOUT at my new home! ;-)

See ya there!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

“Blink” – The Power of Thinking without Thinking

P1040008 I just finished the book, “Blink” by Malcolm Gladwell.  It’s a book that talks about thin-slicing, that instant moment within the first 2 or 3 second of us being confronted with a situation or subject and the immediate thoughts or judgement that is created then.

I loved it.

Gladwell had described many interesting scenarios of how important is our instant judgement, how it applies to us, how it’s used and how sometimes we need to be aware of snap judgements.  He isn’t just talking about relying on coming to immediate conclusions, rather giving an understanding of how it applies effectively to making a decision.


Loved the examples he shared inside here.  From a statue that did not look right in the first instant, to a general making judgement in the thick of a battle, to Pepsi and Coke’s differences and to the unfortunate incident of a man wrongly gunned down by inexperienced policeman. Gladwell, brought countless situations where thin-slicing is a key component of making the right decision.


What will I take from this book?  Well, I’d learn to react faster in situations where in the past, I’d otherwise stumble and be speechless.  It will definitely help with my wits and responses and most importantly understanding why I make snap judgements.

Must read for everyone! ;-)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Upside Down Cuteness on FaceBook

Do you know that FB has a upside down language setting?

Hmm… must be some kind of joke the technician at FB is having…

FB Technician 1: Okay, Muhammed is done with the last language… that makes 65 languages altogether.

FB Technician 2: Cool… hmm.. well, now I am bored.

FB Technician 1: Yeah… *yawn*

FB Technician 2: Hey, let’s stand on our heads for fun!

FB Technician 1: Alright!!!

(and they do it)

FB Technician 2: Wow… this is fun…

FB Technician 1: Now my FB screen looks funny… It’s upside down.

FB Technician 2: Oookay…. let’s see if we can do something about it.

(and they spend a pointless 2 weeks, creating a whole new lingo for people who likes to use the internet while standing on their heads!)

FB Technician 1: Wow… I love it… now if we can just get the management to fly us to space so we can work upside down… maybe create a couple more new lingos for whatever space aliens we find out there!!!



Wait a minute… not everything is upside down!…


That’s more like it… ;-)

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