Latest Bloggings

Monday, August 29, 2005

Celeste not feeling well

Celeste hasn't been feeling well for the last few days. Poor thing. Doctor says that she has a mild case of Bronchitis. Phlem in the lungs. Well, I looked it up and this starts out viral. So, there's isn't much we can do about the virus but just give her some medication for the symptoms.

So, we've stayed in for the entire weekend. It was a quiet weekend but a good one for rest. I got a lot of online work done, including posting several photographic articles on my own site and on PhotoMalaysia.

Friday, August 19, 2005

New Toyota Avanza

Oh, I hadn't mentioned it before, but I got my sparking cool blue new Toyota Avanza on 5th August 2005. After a long wait since October last year, it was like having a baby! Well, the timing was right, as I'm almost done with payments for my first car.

Since having collected it, I've had a couple of improvements done to the car.
  • added skirting (looks real cool)

Thank Goodness It's Friday!


Thanks goodness it's Friday!

Well, it had been a really uneventful week. It gets really dead boring when there is not much to do at work. It's quite worrying too considering there hadn't been any confirmed jobs.

My directors are worried that it may be because of this new office that we are in. Feng Shui no good or something like that. I never believed in it but lately, after 4 months of draught, I am beginning to wonder whether it may have something to do with it. Damn...

Perhaps we need to move, but even that is quite unlikely. At least anytime soon. Cause it took quite a lot to move here. We've settled in comfortably. It's the lack of jobs that is the problem at the moment.

Well, what can I say except for, it's another week of rest. Let's hope next week picks up. It's not like I am asking to get so busy, but rather work helps the time to move faster. Besides, it would help to be working on something that ends in some kind of result. Nothing like that to keep the adenaline pumping!

Celeste and Mommy at Berjaya Times Square

Posting from Microsoft Word

This is my first time posting from Microsoft Word

Okay Here We Go

Okay here we go

My Flickr